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12 Types of Photos you’ll regret not taking on your wedding day

12 Types of Photos you’ll regret not taking on your wedding day

Your wedding day is a whirlwind of emotions, love, and cherished memories. As the day unfolds, countless moments pass by in the blink of an eye, making it all the more crucial to capture them in timeless photographs

From the tender exchange of vows to the joyous celebration on the dance floor, certain snapshots hold an irreplaceable essence of your special day

In this blog post, we explore the 12 types of photos that you will undoubtedly regret not taking on your wedding day

These images are not just frozen frames; they are fragments of love, laughter, and connection, serving as a priceless treasure for generations to come.

So, let’s dive in and ensure that no precious memory goes uncaptured!”

From 'I Do' to 'I Remember': 12 Photos to Frame Your Special Day

1. Emotional First Looks: Capturing the Heartfelt Reactions

The emotional first look is a cherished moment that can take place before the wedding ceremony, where the soon-to-be-wed couple sees each other for the first time on their big day.

It’s a private and intimate exchange, allowing them to share their genuine reactions without the pressure of an audience.

12 Types of Photos you’ll regret not taking on your wedding day - 1. Emotional First Looks_ Capturing the Heartfelt Reactions 1 - The Wedding Club

This magical moment is brimming with raw emotions, from excitement and nervousness to overwhelming love and joy. A mix of tears, smiles, and tender embraces encapsulate the depth of their connection and the significance of the day.

The emotional first look also grants the couple a chance to pause and savor the magnitude of their commitment. In the midst of a whirlwind day, this brief respite allows them to reconnect and take in the profoundness of the journey they are about to embark on together.

Tips for the couple when capturing the first look:

  • Choose the Right Location: Select a location that holds sentimental value or offers a beautiful backdrop for your emotional first look. Consider the lighting and privacy of the spot to ensure a comfortable and intimate moment.
  • Be Present and Relaxed: Take a deep breath and savor the moment. Let yourselves be in the present, and don’t worry about how you look or what others might think. This is a special time for just the two of you, and embracing the emotions is what makes it truly authentic.
  • Trust Your Photographer: Have confidence in your photographer’s expertise to capture the moment beautifully. Discuss your vision for the first look beforehand, so they understand your preferences and can position themselves discreetly to capture your genuine reactions.
  • Allow Extra Time: Plan for extra time during your wedding schedule to fully enjoy the first look. Rushing through this moment may diminish its impact. Give yourselves the space to express your emotions and relish the excitement of seeing each other before the ceremony.
  • Share Personal Vows or Messages: Consider sharing personal vows or heartfelt messages during the first look. This adds a unique and intimate touch to the moment, making it even more memorable. These spoken words can be a beautiful addition to the photographs.
If you’re looking for a complete photo and video shot list to discuss with your photographer, including additional worksheets for all your VIP wedding vendors and more, then the wedding planner is worth checking out…
12 Types of Photos you’ll regret not taking on your wedding day - 1. Emotional First Looks_ Capturing the Heartfelt Reactions 2 - The Wedding Club

For the photographer: Capturing these heartfelt reactions becomes an art form, freezing a fleeting moment in time that will be treasured by the couple for years to come. These photographs are more than just pretty pictures; they become a visual testament to the love shared between two people.

Tips for capturing the “first look”:

  1. Be Unobtrusive, Yet Present: When photographing emotional first looks, it’s essential for the photographer to blend into the background and avoid interrupting the couple’s intimate moment. Use a telephoto lens to capture close-up shots from a distance, allowing the couple to experience the moment naturally without feeling overly conscious of the camera. 

  2. Set the Scene and Lighting: As the photographer, scout the location in advance to find the best spot for the first look. Consider the lighting conditions, as natural light can enhance the emotions captured in the photographs. 

[When managing your photography business, you likely have so many balloons to keep in the air – from client management right down to social media marketing and email campaigns, there are so many aspects of running a creative business. That’s why The Wedding Club and TWCprintable created a Photography Planner to help you organize, plan, and elevate your business! The 50-page planner is fully editable in the free version of Canva.]

2. Vows and Promises: Freezing the Moment of Commitment

The exchange of vows is undoubtedly one of the most touching and meaningful moments of any wedding ceremony. It is the moment when two souls express their deepest emotions and make heartfelt promises to each other, solidifying their commitment to a lifetime of love and partnership.

12 Types of Photos you’ll regret not taking on your wedding day - 2. Vows and Promises_ Freezing the Moment of Commitment 1 - The Wedding Club

The vows exchanged between the bride and groom are often carefully crafted expressions of their love, dreams, and devotion. These heartfelt words have the power to move not only the couple but also everyone present at the ceremony.

Tips for the couple when capturing the exchange of vows:

  • Speak from the Heart: When exchanging vows, be genuine and authentic in your words. Write from the heart and express your true feelings for your partner. Embrace your emotions, and don’t be afraid to show vulnerability. Your heartfelt words will make the moment more powerful and touching.

  • Practice Beforehand: While spontaneity is wonderful, practicing your vows before the big day can help you feel more confident and composed during the ceremony. Practice reading your vows aloud to yourself or to a close friend or family member. This will allow you to work on your delivery and ensure that you can convey your feelings clearly and eloquently.

  • You are allowed to have notes with you to read from if you want to. It doesn’t make the moment less intimate.

  • Take Your Time: When the moment arrives to exchange vows, take your time and don’t rush through the words. Pause, breathe, and look into each other’s eyes as you speak. This will not only help you feel more connected but also give your photographer ample opportunity to capture the emotions on your faces. Remember, this is a special and intimate moment, and savoring it will create lasting memories for both of you and your guests.

If you’re looking for a complete photo and video shot list to discuss with your photographer, including additional worksheets for all your VIP wedding vendors and more, then the wedding planner is worth checking out…

For the photographer: As the photographer, your task is to anticipate these poignant moments, ensuring that you are in the right position to capture the glimmers of tears, the radiant smiles, and the loving gazes that speak volumes about the couple’s connection.

Pay attention to the small details, like the clenching of hands, the heartfelt glances, and the gentle touches, as they all contribute to the narrative of the couple’s commitment.

The exchange of vows is a whirlwind of emotions, and being prepared to capture those fleeting, unguarded expressions will result in photographs that reflect the true essence of the couple’s love and dedication.

[When managing your photography business, you likely have so many balloons to keep in the air – from client management right down to social media marketing and email campaigns, there are so many aspects of running a creative business. That’s why The Wedding Club and TWCprintable created a Photography Planner to help you organize, plan, and elevate your business! The 50-page planner is fully editable in the free version of Canva.]
12 Types of Photos you’ll regret not taking on your wedding day - 2. Vows and Promises_ Freezing the Moment of Commitment 2 - The Wedding Club

3. Family Ties: Tearful Parent Dances and Embraces

The parent dances and embraces at a wedding are some of the most emotionally charged and heartwarming moments of the day.

As the couple takes the dance floor with their respective parents, the room fills with love, gratitude, and nostalgia. These dances symbolize the unbreakable bonds between parent and child, and they often bring tears to the eyes of not only the couple but also their family and friends.

12 Types of Photos you’ll regret not taking on your wedding day - 3. Family Ties_ Tearful Parent Dances and Embraces 1 - The Wedding Club

For the bride, dancing with her father signifies a transition from daddy’s little girl to a wife, and it is a beautiful tribute to the man who has been a pillar of support throughout her life.

As they sway to the music, memories of father-daughter moments flood their minds, evoking laughter and happy tears. The dance captures the bittersweet realization that things will change, but the love between them will remain constant and unconditional.

Similarly, the groom’s dance with his mother is a poignant moment filled with gratitude and appreciation. It is a chance for the groom to honor the woman who raised him and to express his love and admiration. The dance holds a sense of tenderness, as the groom recognizes the sacrifices his mother has made and the role she played in shaping the man he has become.

This dance often leads to emotional embraces, where the couple and their parents share loving gazes and heartfelt hugs, creating a heartwarming scene that encapsulates the essence of family ties.

12 Types of Photos you’ll regret not taking on your wedding day - 3. Family Ties_ Tearful Parent Dances and Embraces 2 - The Wedding Club

Tips for the couple when capturing the father-daughter and mother-son dances:

  • Select songs that hold significance and evoke emotions for both you and your parent. Whether it’s a favorite song from your childhood or a tune that symbolizes your relationship, a meaningful song will make the dance even more special and personal. Discuss song options with your parent and find a track that resonates with both of you.
  • Use the father-daughter and mother-son dances as an opportunity to connect on a deeper level with your parent. During the dance, take the time to share a few words or express your gratitude and love. This small exchange can make the moment even more heartfelt and memorable for both of you.
  • Allow yourself to be fully present during the dance. Embrace the emotions that surface and don’t hold back your feelings. Shedding tears of joy, laughter, or sentimental smiles are all part of the beauty of these dances. Letting yourself be vulnerable and open will create more authentic and touching moments, making the photographs all the more meaningful.
  • Don’t rush through the dance; take it slow and savor the moment. These dances can be emotional, and it’s essential to give yourselves time to fully experience the love and connection with your parent. Dancing at a comfortable pace will also allow your photographer to capture beautiful and candid shots that reflect the genuine bond between you and your parent.
  • Communicate with your photographer about your preferences and any specific moments you’d like them to capture during the dance. Whether it’s a particular angle, a meaningful gesture, or a shot with other family members in the background, sharing your vision will help your photographer capture the moments that matter most to you.
If you’re looking for a complete photo and video shot list to discuss with your photographer, including additional worksheets for all your VIP wedding vendors and more, then the wedding planner is worth checking out…

For the photographer: As a photographer, capturing these tearful parent dances and embraces is a delicate task. These moments unfold spontaneously and are often filled with raw emotions. Having a keen eye for emotion and being sensitive to the significance of these dances allows the photographer to document these precious connections between generations.

The resulting photographs become treasured heirlooms, preserving the love, pride, and joy shared between parents and their newlywed children on this unforgettable day.

Tips for capturing the father-daughter and mother-son dances:

  • Anticipate Emotion: Be ready to capture tears, laughter, and heartfelt embraces, as these candid moments hold the essence of the parent-child bond.
  • Consider varying your shooting angles and compositions to capture different perspectives, such as close-ups of tearful eyes, wide shots of the whole dance floor, and mid-range shots to show the connection between the parent and child.
  • As a photographer, it’s crucial to maintain a respectful distance and not interfere with the natural flow of the dance. Avoid using flash or any distracting equipment that might take away from the intimacy of the moment.
[When managing your photography business, you likely have so many balloons to keep in the air – from client management right down to social media marketing and email campaigns, there are so many aspects of running a creative business. That’s why The Wedding Club and TWCprintable created a Photography Planner to help you organize, plan, and elevate your business! The 50-page planner is fully editable in the free version of Canva.]

4. Laughter Unleashed: Candid Dance Floor Shenanigans

When the music starts and the dance floor fills with joyous energy, that’s when the real fun begins at a wedding reception!

It’s a time for guests to let loose, celebrate, and unleash their inner dance floor shenanigans.

12 Types of Photos you’ll regret not taking on your wedding day - 4. Laughter Unleashed_ Candid Dance Floor Shenanigans 1 - The Wedding Club

The candid dance floor shots are a treasure trove of authentic reactions, spontaneous laughter, and memorable antics. Whether it’s the groom busting out hilarious dance moves or the bridesmaids laughing uncontrollably, these photographs capture the essence of the celebration, preserving the genuine spirit of the day.

The photographs serve as a beautiful reminder of the celebration of love and the unbridled happiness shared by family and friends. When the night is over, the couple can relive the laughter, the uninhibited dancing, and the joyous memories through these candid photographs.

12 Types of Photos you’ll regret not taking on your wedding day - 4. Laughter Unleashed_ Candid Dance Floor Shenanigans 2 - The Wedding Club

Tips for the couple when capturing dancefloor photos with guests:

  • Encourage Participation: As the couple, your energy and enthusiasm on the dance floor will set the tone for your guests. Lead by example and actively participate in the dancing. Engage with your friends and family, and encourage them to join in the fun. The more involved everyone is, the more candid and vibrant the dancefloor photos will be.

  • Don’t be afraid to let loose and be yourselves on the dance floor. Forget about any self-consciousness and focus on enjoying the moment with your loved ones. Genuine expressions and spontaneous laughter make for the best dancefloor photos. Be playful, embrace the joy, and dance like no one’s watching!

  • Candid dancefloor photos are all about capturing the authentic moments of laughter, interaction, and celebration. Let your photographer know that you want candid shots and give them the freedom to roam the dance floor and snap those priceless moments. Avoid posing for every photo and allow the photographer to capture the natural flow of the party.

  • Consider a Fun Photobooth: Set up a fun photobooth nearby with props and accessories that reflect your personalities and the theme of the wedding. This will encourage guests to get creative and take more light-hearted and entertaining photos. It’s a great way to capture the fun-loving side of your guests throughout the evening.

  • Good lighting is essential for dancefloor photos. If possible, have your DJ or lighting technician create an ambiance with suitable lighting for dancing. Colored lights, fairy lights, or a spotlight on the dance floor can add a magical touch to the photographs and create a more visually appealing atmosphere.

  • Don’t forget to include group shots on the dance floor. Gather your friends and family for a fun group dance photo or invite them to join you on the floor for a heartwarming moment. These group shots will capture the collective excitement and create lasting memories with your loved ones.

If you’re looking for a complete photo and video shot list to discuss with your photographer, including additional worksheets for all your VIP wedding vendors and more, then the wedding planner is worth checking out…

For the photographer: As a photographer, capturing these candid moments of laughter, dance-offs, and uninhibited revelry becomes a delightful and rewarding challenge.

Blending into the dance floor and becoming part of the celebration is key. The goal is to capture unguarded moments without disrupting the flow of the party.

A wide-angle lens allows for capturing the vibrant atmosphere and the bustling dance floor, while a fast prime lens can freeze the laughter and movements with stunning clarity.

[When managing your photography business, you likely have so many balloons to keep in the air – from client management right down to social media marketing and email campaigns, there are so many aspects of running a creative business. That’s why The Wedding Club and TWCprintable created a Photography Planner to help you organize, plan, and elevate your business! The 50-page planner is fully editable in the free version of Canva.]
12 Types of Photos you’ll regret not taking on your wedding day - 4. Laughter Unleashed_ Candid Dance Floor Shenanigans 3 - The Wedding Club

5. Whispers of Love: Intimate Moments Caught on Camera

Amidst the grand celebrations and bustling excitement of a wedding day, some of the most cherished moments are the quiet and intimate ones shared between the couple.

These are the “whispers of love” – tender glances, gentle touches, and stolen kisses that pass between the bride and groom.

When the couple looks back on these photos in the years to come, they will be transported back to those cherished moments that showcase the truest version of their love.

12 Types of Photos you’ll regret not taking on your wedding day - 5. Whispers of Love_ Intimate Moments Caught on Camera 1 - The Wedding Club

Tips for the couple when capturing these special moments:

  • Don’t Overthink Poses: Intimate moments are not about perfect poses or elaborate setups. Avoid overthinking how you should stand or where to look. Instead, let the natural flow of emotions guide you. Hold each other, look into each other’s eyes, and let your photographer capture the beautiful moments that unfold spontaneously. These unscripted gestures and glances are often the most powerful and heartwarming.
  • Sometimes, the most profound intimacy can be found in silence. During these quiet moments together, take the time to cherish each other’s presence without feeling the need to fill the air with words. These wordless exchanges can speak volumes about your connection and love for each other. A knowing smile, a gentle touch, or a shared glance can communicate more than words ever could.

If you’re looking for a complete photo and video shot list to discuss with your photographer, including additional worksheets for all your VIP wedding vendors and more, then the wedding planner is worth checking out…

For the photographer: As a photographer, capturing these precious, fleeting moments becomes a privilege, as they unveil the true depth of the couple’s connection.

Whether it’s sharing a quiet laugh, wiping away a tear of joy, or sharing an affectionate embrace, these whispers of love represent the essence of their relationship. As the photographer, it is essential to approach these moments with sensitivity, giving the couple space to be themselves and capturing the raw emotions without intrusion.

Often, these intimate moments present themselves during the first look, a private photo session, or even during the ceremony when the couple exchange knowing glances.

[When managing your photography business, you likely have so many balloons to keep in the air – from client management right down to social media marketing and email campaigns, there are so many aspects of running a creative business. That’s why The Wedding Club and TWCprintable created a Photography Planner to help you organize, plan, and elevate your business! The 50-page planner is fully editable in the free version of Canva.]
12 Types of Photos you’ll regret not taking on your wedding day - 5. Whispers of Love_ Intimate Moments Caught on Camera 2 - The Wedding Club

6. Bridal Elegance: Timeless Portraits and Stunning Details

On a wedding day, the bride embodies grace and elegance, and capturing her beauty in timeless portraits is a celebration of her radiant spirit.

Bridal elegance is not just about the dress; it encompasses the bride’s entire presence, from her radiant smile to the delicate details that adorn her.

12 Types of Photos you’ll regret not taking on your wedding day - 6. Bridal Elegance_ Timeless Portraits and Stunning Details 1 - The Wedding Club

As the bride glances into the distance or shares a smile with her loved ones, the photographer captures not just her physical appearance, but the essence of her personality and the emotions she feels on this momentous day.

These portraits encapsulate the joy, excitement, and tenderness that emanate from the bride, transforming them into artful photographs that will be cherished by the couple and their families for years to come.

In the whirlwind of the wedding day, the bridal elegance portraits serve as a serene and captivating interlude, allowing the bride to bask in her beauty and the significance of the moment.

12 Types of Photos you’ll regret not taking on your wedding day - 6. Bridal Elegance_ Timeless Portraits and Stunning Details 2 - The Wedding Club

As she looks back on these images, she will be reminded of the enchanting bride she once was, and the magical beginning of her journey into a lifetime of love and happiness.

Tips for the bride:

  • Schedule your bridal portrait session during the best natural lighting conditions

  • Relax and Be Yourself. Let your natural beauty shine through and don’t feel pressured to pose in a way that doesn’t feel genuine.

  • Focus on your posture, stand tall, and exude confidence. Relax your shoulders and keep a gentle, pleasant expression on your face. 

  • Your wedding dress and accessories are an integral part of your bridal elegance. Work with your photographer to capture stunning shots of your dress, veil, shoes, and jewelry.

  • A beautiful bouquet can add an extra touch of elegance to your portraits. Coordinate with your florist to have a bridal bouquet for the portrait session. Holding a bouquet can also give you something to do with your hands, helping you feel more at ease.

  • Share your vision and preferences with your photographer before the session. Discuss any specific shots you have in mind or particular aspects of your appearance you’d like to highlight. 

If you’re looking for a complete photo and video shot list to discuss with your photographer, including additional worksheets for all your VIP wedding vendors and more, then the wedding planner is worth checking out…

For the photographer: As a photographer, it is a privilege to freeze these enchanting moments in photographs, preserving the bride’s allure for generations to come.

The bridal portrait session is an opportunity to focus solely on the bride, capturing her individuality and unique charm. As she stands before the camera, surrounded by the anticipation and excitement of the day, the photographer seeks to immortalize the grace and poise that define her.

The bride’s beauty is accentuated through the interplay of light and shadow, creating images that radiate with a sense of timelessness.

Some tips for the photographer during the bridal session:

  • Lighting plays a crucial role in creating stunning bridal elegance portraits. Seek soft and diffused natural light that complements the bride’s features and brings out the delicate details of her attire
  • While capturing candid moments is essential, gentle and subtle posing guidance can elevate the elegance of the photographs. Provide gentle direction to the bride, suggesting small adjustments to her posture or the angle of her head to achieve a more graceful and sophisticated look.
  • In addition to capturing full-length portraits, zoom in on the intricate details of the bride’s attire, accessories, and bouquet.
  • A macro lens can be particularly useful for capturing close-up shots of the dress’s lace, beading, or embroidery, creating stunning and artful photographs.
  • Establishing trust and understanding will help the bride feel at ease in front of the camera, resulting in more natural and elegant poses.
[When managing your photography business, you likely have so many balloons to keep in the air – from client management right down to social media marketing and email campaigns, there are so many aspects of running a creative business. That’s why The Wedding Club and TWCprintable created a Photography Planner to help you organize, plan, and elevate your business! The 50-page planner is fully editable in the free version of Canva.]
12 Types of Photos you’ll regret not taking on your wedding day - 6. Bridal Elegance_ Timeless Portraits and Stunning Details 3 - The Wedding Club

7. Friends Forever: Celebrating with Your Beloved Bridal Party

Your bridal party is not just a group of friends; they are your closest confidants, your support system, and your chosen family. They have been there through thick and thin, and as you walk down the aisle, they stand beside you in celebration of love and friendship.

Capturing these moments with your beloved bridal party becomes an essential part of your wedding day, immortalizing the joy and camaraderie that define your friendship.

12 Types of Photos you’ll regret not taking on your wedding day - 7. Friends Forever_ Celebrating with Your Beloved Bridal Party 1 - The Wedding Club

The bond between you and your bridesmaids or groomsmen is unique and irreplaceable. Whether you’ve known each other since childhood or formed a tight-knit circle in recent years, the connection shared is evident in every photograph.

During the day, your bridal party will be there to help you prepare, to ease any pre-wedding jitters, and to keep the energy high with their unwavering support. Their presence brings a sense of comfort and familiarity, and the photographs reflect the bond you share.

From pre-ceremony excitement to the dance floor antics, every moment with your friends becomes a cherished memory to be captured and treasured.

12 Types of Photos you’ll regret not taking on your wedding day - 7. Friends Forever_ Celebrating with Your Beloved Bridal Party 2 - The Wedding Club

As time passes, these images will evoke nostalgia, reminding you of the shared laughter, late-night conversations, and adventures you’ve experienced together. They become an enduring tribute to the friends who have been with you through every chapter of your life, and now, they stand by your side as you embark on this new journey into marriage.

These cherished images serve as a celebration of your friendship and a tribute to the friends who will forever hold a special place in your heart.

Tips for the couple when capturing moments with the bridal party:

  • Discuss your vision with your photographer. Let them know what kind of moments you want to capture with your bridal party – whether it’s candid shots of laughter and fun, formal group poses, or heartwarming individual portraits.

  • The best moments with your bridal party come when everyone is relaxed and having fun. Don’t be afraid to let loose, joke around, and be yourself. Genuine emotions and expressions make for the most memorable photographs.
  • Allow ample time for photos with your bridal party. Rushing through the session can create stress and may not result in the best pictures.
  • Take moments to interact with each member of your bridal party individually. Whether it’s sharing a heartfelt conversation with your maid of honor or a playful moment with your best man, these shots will highlight the unique bond you share with each person in your party.
  • Some of the most beautiful moments happen spontaneously. Encourage your bridal party to be themselves and let the photographer capture the authentic interactions and reactions that unfold naturally. These candid shots often hold the most emotional value.
  • Consider incorporating props or elements that reflect your friendships or shared interests. Whether it’s matching accessories, personalized gifts, or items that hold sentimental value, these details can add a personal touch to your bridal party photos.

If you’re looking for a complete photo and video shot list to discuss with your photographer, including additional worksheets for all your VIP wedding vendors and more, then the wedding planner is worth checking out…

For the photographer: Capturing the bridal party’s candid interactions, shared laughter, and heartfelt embraces becomes a delightful experience. The genuine happiness and excitement they exude while celebrating the special day create moments that will be cherished forever.

[When managing your photography business, you likely have so many balloons to keep in the air – from client management right down to social media marketing and email campaigns, there are so many aspects of running a creative business. That’s why The Wedding Club and TWCprintable created a Photography Planner to help you organize, plan, and elevate your business! The 50-page planner is fully editable in the free version of Canva.]
12 Types of Photos you’ll regret not taking on your wedding day - 7. Friends Forever_ Celebrating with Your Beloved Bridal Party 3 - The Wedding Club

8. The Big Kiss: Sealing the Deal in Picture-Perfect Fashion

The moment the couple seals their vows with a kiss is one of the most anticipated and cherished moments of any wedding.

The big kiss symbolizes the culmination of their love story and marks the beginning of their journey as a married couple.

12 Types of Photos you’ll regret not taking on your wedding day - 8. The Big Kiss_ Sealing the Deal in Picture-Perfect Fashion 1 - The Wedding Club

The anticipation builds as the couple stands at the altar, surrounded by their loved ones. When the officiant finally pronounces them as married partners, the couple’s faces light up with joy and excitement. As they lean in for the big kiss, the world around them seems to fade away, leaving only the two of them in this intimate moment of pure love and happiness.

The big kiss is not only a profound moment for the couple but also a heartwarming sight for their family and friends. The applause and cheers that follow showcase the shared happiness of everyone present, creating a jubilant atmosphere.

These photographs reflect the love and support that surround the couple as they embark on this new chapter together, and they become cherished memories of the love and commitment expressed in that single kiss.

When the couple looks back on these photographs in the years to come, the big kiss will always hold a special place in their hearts. It will remind them of the excitement and nerves they felt just before their lips met, and the joy they experienced as they sealed the deal in a picture-perfect fashion, surrounded by love and well-wishes from everyone who holds them dear.

12 Types of Photos you’ll regret not taking on your wedding day - 8. The Big Kiss_ Sealing the Deal in Picture-Perfect Fashion 2 - The Wedding Club

Tips for the couple when taking photos of the kiss:

  • During the big kiss, forget about everything else and be fully present in the moment. Embrace the excitement, joy, and love that you feel as you kiss each other for the first time as a married couple. When you fully immerse yourselves in the moment, your photographer will be able to capture the most authentic and heartfelt images.
  • Don’t rush the kiss. Lean in slowly and tenderly, allowing the moment to unfold naturally. This will give your photographer more time to capture the perfect shots without feeling rushed.

If you’re looking for a complete photo and video shot list to discuss with your photographer, including additional worksheets for all your VIP wedding vendors and more, then the wedding planner is worth checking out…

For the photographer: Capturing this heartfelt moment in picture-perfect fashion is an absolute must, as it freezes in time the raw emotions and euphoria that emanate from the newlyweds and their guests.

Tips for capturing the kiss:

  • The big kiss happens in a split second, so be prepared to capture it at the perfect moment. Anticipate the timing by observing the couple and the officiant’s cues during the ceremony. Be ready with your camera settings and composition to ensure you don’t miss this pivotal moment.

  • To capture intimate moments like the kiss without being intrusive, use a telephoto lens. This allows you to maintain a comfortable distance from the couple and capture the moment discreetly.

  • The big kiss is not just about the physical act but the emotions that accompany it. Pay attention to the expressions of the couple and the reactions of their guests. Capture not just the kiss itself but also the emotions and interactions that make the moment special.

  • Experiment with different angles to capture the kiss creatively. You can shoot from the front to get a traditional shot of the couple’s faces meeting, or try a side angle to showcase the setting and the couple’s profile. Be mindful of the lighting and background to create a visually appealing composition.

  • Avoid using flash or making loud noises that could disrupt the atmosphere. Being unobtrusive allows you to capture authentic and candid moments without distracting the couple or their guests.

  • Don’t stop shooting as soon as the kiss is over. Continue capturing the couple’s expressions and the reactions of their guests in the moments that follow. The elation and joy that fill the air after the big kiss are equally important to document.

[When managing your photography business, you likely have so many balloons to keep in the air – from client management right down to social media marketing and email campaigns, there are so many aspects of running a creative business. That’s why The Wedding Club and TWCprintable created a Photography Planner to help you organize, plan, and elevate your business! The 50-page planner is fully editable in the free version of Canva.]

9. Radiant Smiles: Capturing Joy and Happiness All Around

On a day filled with love and celebration, radiant smiles become the true currency of happiness.

From the moment the bride walks down the aisle to the heartfelt vows and the first dance, every step of the journey is adorned with radiant smiles.

As the couple exchanges glances, their eyes light up with sheer delight and affection. The laughter of friends and family fills the air, creating a contagious atmosphere of happiness and love.

And, when the couple flips through their wedding album years later, these radiant smiles will take them back to the exact feelings they experienced on their special day. The memories of love, laughter, and happiness will be reignited, and they will be reminded of the incredible network of love and support that surrounds them.

12 Types of Photos you’ll regret not taking on your wedding day - 9. Radiant Smiles_ Capturing Joy and Happiness All Around - The Wedding Club

For the photographer: As a photographer, capturing the joy and exuberance of the couple and their guests becomes an exhilarating task. These radiant smiles are the reflections of hearts filled with love and excitement, and they form the heart and soul of a wedding day.

The challenge for the photographer is to be ever-vigilant, anticipating those precious moments when a radiant smile appears on the faces of the couple and their guests.

These candid shots capture the unscripted and genuine emotions that tell the story of the day. The groom’s beaming smile as he sees his bride for the first time, the bride’s joyous laughter during heartfelt toasts, and the joyous expressions of friends and family are all moments to be immortalized.

[When managing your photography business, you likely have so many balloons to keep in the air – from client management right down to social media marketing and email campaigns, there are so many aspects of running a creative business. That’s why The Wedding Club and TWCprintable created a Photography Planner to help you organize, plan, and elevate your business! The 50-page planner is fully editable in the free version of Canva.]

10. The Grand Exit: Farewell Kisses and Cheers for a New Journey

As the wedding day draws to a close, the grand exit becomes a bittersweet moment filled with farewell kisses and cheers for the couple’s new journey together. It is a time to bid adieu to their loved ones and step into the future hand in hand.

The grand exit is a culmination of the day’s festivities, and the couple is surrounded by their friends and family, showering them with love and well-wishes. The joyous atmosphere is contagious as guests raise sparklers, throw confetti, or release balloons into the sky.

As the couple glances back one last time at the celebration they leave behind, the photographs serve as a reminder of the magical moments shared with their loved ones.

With each glance at these photographs in the years to come, the couple will be transported back to that moment when they said goodbye to one chapter and embraced the exciting adventure that lay ahead.

The grand exit is more than just a send-off; it is a celebration of love and the beginning of a new life together.

12 Types of Photos you’ll regret not taking on your wedding day - 10. The Grand Exit_ Farewell Kisses and Cheers for a New Journey - The Wedding Club

For the photographer: As a photographer, capturing this final chapter of the celebration is a beautiful challenge, as it encompasses both the excitement of new beginnings and the nostalgia of bidding goodbye to cherished moments.

This is an opportunity to capture the essence of the day one last time. The grand exit photographs embody the sense of togetherness, support, and happiness that encapsulates the couple’s special day.

[When managing your photography business, you likely have so many balloons to keep in the air – from client management right down to social media marketing and email campaigns, there are so many aspects of running a creative business. That’s why The Wedding Club and TWCprintable created a Photography Planner to help you organize, plan, and elevate your business! The 50-page planner is fully editable in the free version of Canva.]

11. Sentimental Touches: Photographing Meaningful Decor and Keepsakes

In every wedding, sentimental touches adorn the venue, reflecting the couple’s unique love story and cherished memories.

The wedding decor is more than just aesthetics; it is a representation of the couple’s personality, passions, and shared experiences. From family heirlooms to handmade crafts, each element holds significance and adds sentimental value to the celebration.

The keepsakes on display carry sentimental value that speaks volumes about the couple’s journey. From photographs of loved ones who are no longer with us to mementos from milestone moments, each item holds a story that evokes emotions of love and nostalgia.

12 Types of Photos you’ll regret not taking on your wedding day - 11. Sentimental Touches_ Photographing Meaningful Decor and Keepsakes 1 - The Wedding Club

These sentimental touches become a tapestry of memories woven into the wedding, making the day even more meaningful for the couple and their guests. These photographs are a heartfelt tribute, showcasing the love and memories that have shaped the couple’s lives and the people who have played significant roles in their journey.

As the couple looks back at these photographs in the years to come, they will be reminded of the cherished memories and the sentimental touches that made their wedding day unique and special.

Tips for the photographer when capturing meaningful decor and keepsakes: 

  • When photographing sentimental touches, focus on the small and intricate details that make each item special. Use a macro lens to capture close-up shots of textures, engravings, and any unique features that add to the sentimental value. These close-up shots will help tell the story behind each keepsake.

  • Whenever possible, use natural light to photograph the decor and keepsakes. Natural light adds a soft and warm touch to the images, enhancing the sentimental atmosphere. If natural light is not available, use soft artificial lighting to create a gentle ambiance without harsh shadows.

  • The sentimental touches should not be isolated elements in the photographs but should complement the overall wedding story. Integrate them into wider shots of the venue or the couple’s personal space to create a cohesive narrative that connects the sentimental details with the entire wedding day.

  • Some sentimental items may have emotional significance, and the couple or their guests may be sensitive about them. As a photographer, be discreet and respectful when capturing these items. Avoid intruding on personal moments and emotions and ensure that the focus remains on the items themselves.

  • Look for opportunities to capture connections between the sentimental touches and the couple’s love story. For example, if there’s a family heirloom, photograph it alongside a photo of the couple’s ancestors or other family members who have shared the sentiment behind the item.

  • While photographing the decor and keepsakes, also keep an eye on people’s reactions as they discover or interact with these meaningful elements. Candid shots of guests smiling, laughing, or reminiscing will add an emotional layer to the photographs and emphasize the significance of the sentimental touches.

  • Combine candid shots of guests interacting with the keepsakes and styled shots where the items are carefully arranged in a visually pleasing manner. This mix will provide a well-rounded representation of the sentimental touches, capturing both their emotional value and aesthetic beauty.

12 Types of Photos you’ll regret not taking on your wedding day - 11. Sentimental Touches_ Photographing Meaningful Decor and Keepsakes 2 - The Wedding Club

12. Love in Motion: Unforgettable Candid Moments of Bliss

In the midst of a wedding celebration, love takes on a life of its own, flowing freely through every moment, every interaction, and every embrace.

From stolen glances to tender touches, love in motion is a dance of unscripted and heartfelt moments. The couple’s eyes lock in a knowing gaze, and their smiles light up the room, conveying the depth of their affection for each other.

Friends and family share laughter and tears of joy, celebrating the union of two souls in love.

As the day progresses, love in motion becomes a whirlwind of emotions and interactions. From the first look to the first dance, these candid moments immortalize the joy, tenderness, and excitement shared by the couple and their loved ones.

As the couple flips through their wedding album, they will be reminded of the love that moved their hearts, and the love that continues to be the driving force in their lives.

Tips for the couple when taking candid photos of love in motion:

  • Engage with your guests and let your love and happiness shine through in your interactions. Whether it’s sharing a laugh with a friend, hugging a family member, or dancing together on the dance floor, these candid moments of connection create beautiful photographs.
  • Emotions run high on a wedding day, and that’s a beautiful thing. Don’t be afraid to show your feelings, whether it’s tears of joy, heartfelt laughter, or a warm embrace. Embrace the emotions as they come, and your photographer will be there to capture these authentic moments of love.
  • Take moments throughout the day to steal away with your partner for some alone time. These private moments create beautiful opportunities for candid shots of love in motion. Whether it’s a quiet walk together or a stolen kiss away from the crowd, these intimate moments add depth and emotion to your wedding album.
  • Don’t be afraid to be playful and spontaneous with each other. Dance, twirl, hold hands, and share tender moments without worrying about posing for the camera. These candid and lighthearted interactions capture the essence of your relationship and add a sense of fun and joy to the photographs.
  • Amidst the whirlwind of the wedding day, take moments to focus on each other. During the reception, take a few minutes to step away from the crowd and just be together. These intimate interactions make for powerful and emotive candid shots.
  • Show gratitude and appreciation to your guests and loved ones throughout the day. A genuine thank you or a heartfelt embrace can lead to heartwarming candid moments of love and connection. These photographs will reflect the love you have for your friends and family and the gratitude you feel for their presence on your special day.
  • Infuse your wedding with personal touches that reflect your love story and shared interests. Whether it’s a hobby, a shared memory, or a favorite song, these personal touches add depth and authenticity to the photographs.
  • Candid shots are all about capturing real and authentic moments, not about perfection. Embrace imperfections, spontaneous laughter, and candid expressions. Remember that the beauty of candid photography lies in the raw and unfiltered emotions captured in the moment.
  • It’s natural to feel some nerves on your wedding day, but try to stay relaxed and enjoy the moment. Trust that your photographer will capture the love in motion beautifully. A relaxed and joyful demeanor will result in more natural and authentic candid photographs.

If you’re looking for a complete photo and video shot list to discuss with your photographer, including additional worksheets for all your VIP wedding vendors and more, then the wedding planner is worth checking out…

Bonus: Timeless Traditions: Capturing Cultural and Religious Ceremonies

If your wedding incorporates cultural or religious traditions, be sure to have your photographer capture these special moments.

Whether it’s a traditional dance, a symbolic ritual, or a meaningful ceremony, these photos will reflect the rich heritage and significance of your union.

12 Types of Photos you’ll regret not taking on your wedding day - Bonus_ Timeless Traditions_ Capturing Cultural and Religious Ceremonies - The Wedding Club

Tips for the Couple:

  • If your cultural or religious ceremony includes specific rituals, customs, or significant moments, take the time to educate your photographer about them beforehand. Provide a schedule or outline of the ceremony, so they know when and where to be for capturing important moments.

  • Cultural and religious ceremonies often involve rich symbolism and meaningful gestures. Embrace the traditions wholeheartedly and allow yourselves to be fully present in each moment. By understanding the symbolism behind each ritual, you can connect more deeply with the ceremony, which will be reflected in the photographs.

  • Cultural and religious ceremonies often involve active participation from family members and guests. Encourage your photographer to capture candid shots of your loved ones as they engage in the traditions. The emotions displayed by your family and guests will add depth and meaning to the photographs, making them even more special.

If you’re looking for a complete photo and video shot list to discuss with your photographer, including additional worksheets for all your VIP wedding vendors and more, then the wedding planner is worth checking out…

Tips for the Photographer:

  • Take the time to research the cultural or religious ceremony you will be photographing. Familiarize yourself with the significance of each tradition and understand the flow of the ceremony. This knowledge will enable you to anticipate important moments and capture them with sensitivity and respect.

  • Cultural and religious ceremonies can be deeply personal and sacred to the couple and their families. As a photographer, be respectful of the sanctity of the ceremony and the emotions of the participants. Use a telephoto lens to capture candid shots from a distance, allowing you to be discreet while capturing intimate moments.

  • Cultural and religious ceremonies often include intricate decorations, symbols, and traditional attire. Pay attention to these details, as they are an essential part of the ceremony’s essence. Photographing the intricacies and beauty of the cultural elements will enrich the visual storytelling of the ceremony.

  • If possible, seek guidance from the officiant or a knowledgeable person within the community who can provide insights into the ceremony’s significance. They can advise you on when and where to position yourself for the best shots and ensure that you respect the customs and traditions.

  • Approach the photography of cultural and religious ceremonies as a storytelling endeavor. Capture not only the main moments but also the smaller, candid details that give insight into the emotions and atmosphere of the event. These photographs will help the couple and their families relive the ceremony with all its significance and beauty for years to come.

[When managing your photography business, you likely have so many balloons to keep in the air – from client management right down to social media marketing and email campaigns, there are so many aspects of running a creative business. That’s why The Wedding Club and TWCprintable created a Photography Planner to help you organize, plan, and elevate your business! The 50-page planner is fully editable in the free version of Canva.]

Bonus: The Love Story Unfolds: Documenting the Candid Guest Reactions

Your wedding day is not just about you; it’s a celebration of love shared with your friends and family.

Candid shots of guests’ emotional reactions, heartfelt toasts, and genuine interactions will portray the collective joy and love that surrounds you on this special day.

Tips for the couple

  • Let your guests know in advance that you would love to have candid photographs of their reactions during the wedding. Inform them that the photographer will be capturing special moments, and encourage them to express their emotions freely. When guests are aware of the photographer’s presence, they are more likely to be natural and relaxed.

  • As the couple, focus on each other and the love you share during the ceremony and other significant moments. When you are fully present and emotionally connected, your guests’ reactions will naturally mirror the love and joy that radiates from you both. Your genuine emotions will inspire candid and heartwarming reactions from your guests, creating beautiful photo opportunities.

  • Infuse personal touches into the ceremony or reception that reflect your unique love story. By personalizing the wedding experience, you invite authentic reactions from your guests who will connect emotionally with the heartfelt moments shared during the event.

If you’re looking for a complete photo and video shot list to discuss with your photographer, including additional worksheets for all your VIP wedding vendors and more, then the wedding planner is worth checking out…

12 Types of Photos you’ll regret not taking on your wedding day - Bonus_ The Love Story Unfolds_ Documenting the Candid Guest Reactions - The Wedding Club

Tips for the Photographer:

  • To capture genuine reactions, strive to be unobtrusive and blend into the background. Use a telephoto lens to take candid shots from a distance, allowing guests to remain uninhibited and free to express their emotions naturally. Avoid obstructing the view of guests during critical moments, ensuring that their reactions are not influenced by the presence of the camera.

  • Familiarize yourself with the wedding timeline and ceremony program to anticipate emotional moments when guests are likely to react. Be prepared to capture those candid expressions of joy, laughter, tears, and awe.

  • Not only focus on individual guest reactions but also be attentive to group reactions. Friends and family often share emotional moments together, and capturing group reactions can create impactful and heartwarming photographs.

  • While the couple is the focal point of the day, don’t forget to capture reactions from guests interacting with each other. Candid shots of guests congratulating, hugging, and sharing moments of joy with one another add depth and emotion to the storytelling.

  • When selecting and editing the photos, prioritize the images that genuinely capture the emotions and reactions of the guests. Aim for authentic and unfiltered moments that tell the unique love story of the couple and the emotional journey of their loved ones throughout the day.

[When managing your photography business, you likely have so many balloons to keep in the air – from client management right down to social media marketing and email campaigns, there are so many aspects of running a creative business. That’s why The Wedding Club and TWCprintable created a Photography Planner to help you organize, plan, and elevate your business! The 50-page planner is fully editable in the free version of Canva.]

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3. 12 Types of Photos you’ll regret not taking on your wedding day - The Wedding Club

by Tanya Guilfoyle

Born in Johannesburg, South Africa, Tanya has been an active contributor and planner in the wedding industry since 2016. When not writing useful content for brides and wedding professionals, she can be found designing templates for her Etsy shop, TWCprintables