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7 Good Reasons why you should elope

7 Good Reasons why you should rather Elope

7 Good Reasons why you should rather Elope


Elopement is a controversial topic when it comes to weddings, and it’s not a word on everyone’s lips. In fact, it was always considered rude or in bad taste to elope.


But you will find that nowadays, it is becoming more and more common for couples to do this. And, it is accepted by many as the new age of weddings – since everything is becoming more and more pricey.


In this post, we are giving you 7 good reasons why elopement might be an option for you as a couple.


7 Good Reasons why you should rather Elope


We get that there are loved ones that you really want present at your wedding. Your family and close friends – even though you should know that more often than not, not everyone will actually be able to attend your wedding.


So, what if all the wedding planning hype is all becoming a bit too much to handle? That in itself should be a good reason for elopement.


Let’s dive right in to the other reasons…


Reason 1  |  To avoid family drama


This is the most common reason why couples decide to elope. Family drama is one of the most draining events of one’s life, because you don’t want conflict with your loved ones, right?


And when the cat is out of the bag that you’re getting married, everyone wants a big slice of your wedding.


It is all very emotional, because you have to carefully plan your wedding by avoiding stepping on anyone’s toes, and by trying to keep everyone happy.


You will also notice how everyone offers to “help”, and “if you need anything…”, until they actually have to help with something…


Hmmm… Why is that?


Reason 2  |  To cut wedding costs


We need to break the truth to you, if you don’t already know this: Weddings are expensive.


Each guest added to your list means an extra plate of food, an extra chair, under plate, favor, decor item, etc. And if you take your wedding expenses as a whole, you might get a shock what it costs per person after you’ve made the calculation.


A giant pitfall for most couples is not having a proper budget in place. You cannot expect to pay cheap for a wedding if you don’t have an idea how much you’ve spent already.


If you don’t know already, we have a very handy printable kit called the Wedding Budget Planner, which helps you to set up your budget from day one, track payment dates, and help locate unexpected costs at your wedding. With these printables, you will be able to set up an effective wedding budget from day one.


Need a printable wedding budget template? Have a look at our latest version here


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The next step on saving money on your wedding (especially if eloping is not an option), is to make a list of all the things you can possibly save money on. Think of every little aspect of your wedding, and how you can either get it for cheaper, or cut it from your wedding completely.


Reason 3  |  The wedding is a big mess


Many couples elope because, after trying to salvage the arrangements of what seemed like a great wedding, they simply throw in the towel. It may be that all the wedding planning stuff started out ideally, but it all went pear shaped.


Nothing is planned properly, because they expected things from people who didn’t deliver.


This is a great challenge for most brides, because there is always that ever-present “expectation factor” when planning a wedding.


You’d think that your bridesmaids will know that they have to actually help you plan your wedding? Or that the groomsmen should help the groom with the pickup and transporting of everyone’s suits? Nah.


Simply shove a checklist into the hands of your maid of honor, best man, bridesmaids and groomsmen – so that they know what their responsibilities are. 🙂


The wedding can also be a mess if the invitations weren’t sent out in time or that nothing is available anymore, such as the venue or photographer.


Or, the couple simply waited too long to start planning.


If you can’t elope because of any of these reasons, then it is better to just postpone the wedding altogether.


Reason 4  |  Not enough wedding guests


This is a more obscure reason to elope, as most people have more than enough guests they can invite to their wedding. But there are couples who have a magic guest list of 40 people or less, believe it or not…


The real issue comes in with the venue. You might have noticed that most venues require a minimum guest count, because it is just not profitable for them to go through all the arrangements for only a few wedding guests.


The great thing about not having enough guests is that you are flexible to plan your dream wedding anywhere you want to. There’s no need to worry about location and how you should choose a central area for everyone to travel to. Plus it’s much cheaper!


Fewer guests might be a good reason for you to consider having a destination wedding…


Also Read: How to keep your Wedding Guests Happy and Enjoy your Wedding


Reason 5  |  Too many wedding guests


On the flip side, this is another reason for eloping, when it comes to your wedding guests. Having too many wedding guests can also become a major problem.


Also, it is difficult to cross people out from your list, because everyone has to be invited… or else. Especially if they are direct family, or your parents insist on inviting all their friends, too.


The problem comes in when you simply cannot afford it all. Like we mentioned earlier, each guest added means extras of everything. And then it all adds up to a point where you have to take out a loan from the bank. Ew.


Nevertheless, most venues don’t only have a minimum guest count, but a maximum guest count, too. If you find your ideal venue, be sure to ask what their limit is. This also makes your chances of finding the ideal venue smaller, and larger venues can also be more expensive than others.


Reason 6  |  Everything is just too stressful


A lot of hard work and effort goes into the planning of a successful wedding. And this can quickly take its toll on you, especially if you don’t know what you’re in for. It is very stressful!


Between all the hassles of cake tastings, venue scoutings, decor planning, flower picking, Pinterest scrolling and finding good and reliable suppliers, you can quickly feel close to a nervous breakdown.


Maybe you should consider hiring a professional wedding planner, who can help you with all of your wedding details and help to make your wedding dreams come true.


Also Read: How to spot the wrong wedding planner + free wedding planner comparison sheets


Reason 7  |  You rather want a great honeymoon


With the looming financial crisis we constantly find ourselves in, most people simply cannot afford the costs of a great wedding and a great honeymoon, too.


That’s why it makes more sense to cut down on wedding costs, and rather have a fantastic honeymoon where you can wash off all of the wedding stress and relax before returning back to your normal life.


Besides, if you elope to a destination where you can also have your honeymoon, that will be fantastic! You can easily cut on travel and accommodation costs this way.



by Tanya Guilfoyle

Born in Johannesburg, South Africa, Tanya has been an active contributor and planner in the wedding industry since 2016. When not writing useful content for brides and wedding professionals, she can be found designing templates for her Etsy shop, TWCprintables