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5 Unbelievable Stories of GROOMzillas!

5 Unbelievable Stories of GROOMzillas!
5 real life stories of Groomzillas you just won't believe!   Like the title says: yes, they do exist! And here are some unbelievable stories told along the grapevine. This is the type of gossip-worthy content shared among wedding planners and other professionals in the industry. Grab some popcorn…  

5 Unbelievable Stories of GROOMzillas!


“Please don’t ruin my image”

This one definitely tops our list. So it goes like this: A fellow wedding planner told us that she had the most shocking encounter with a groom once. She and the couple went to the bridal boutique to pick out the bride’s wedding dress (the groom insisted to go along).   Little did she know what the groom’s initial plan was…   As the bride tried on dress after dress, parading each gorgeous embellished design in front of the groom, he waived them away. Not easily impressed it seemed… He just disagreed with every dress the bride got excited about. Eventually our dear wedding planner friend couldn’t keep quiet any longer. She thought it well to defend the bride…   So the conversation started: “Excuse me, but why did you come along in the first place only to disagree with everything your future wife likes?” Startled, he answered politely: “I don’t want to be embarrassed if my bride wears an ugly dress while walking down the aisle.” Yup. Obviously, the wedding planner fired her clients on the spot.  

The Discounter

This story has been told by a few professionals in the industry. And it is actually more common than you’d think. We call this groom “the discounter”. He is usually medium in height, not really a looker, and wears what would seem like a hand-me-down suit. He is always bargaining and negotiating.   The best one yet was a florist who already gave the budgeting couple a discount on some floral arrangements for the church. She already told the couple about the discount, highlighting the fact that she will use flowers that weren’t sold on the day it arrived in her shop.   Obviously the groom felt that he didn’t get enough discount out of this woman already and asked for a discount ON THE DISCOUNTED ITEMS. Stunned as she was, the florist just decided to call off the deal and showed them the door.  

The Mission Impossible Guy

Oh wow, this one is a killer! Wedding planners have already gone above and beyond extreme weddings in the past, but this guy was something special. To the bride’s horror, he wanted every aspect of the wedding to be adrenaline filled and down-right tacky. He was the alpha male, and shot down all the bride’s ideas in a second. Some of her ideas were classic, time-less and gorgeous by the sound of it.   His ideas included things like abseiling from a structure above the cake, and then cutting and feeding each other pieces of it whilst hanging in the air; having a live heavy metal band (by the way, this is a beach wedding); his groomsmen would all have a turn with kissing the bride while the photographer will take shots…   According to the bride, she had no idea he would be this extreme. Apparently she called the wedding off. Good riddance!  

Also Read:


All About Me, Myself and I

This is also a regular customer among wedding planners, but usually it is in the form of a female. Having a selfish groom is very rare, but here he is. As told from another fellow wedding planner.   The groom sort of made his bride disappear into the background while HE planned the whole wedding. And to top it all off, he was so possessive over her, that she wasn’t allowed to have bridal shower or bachelorette party. He thought it was “unfair” that she got “extra parties” like that + a wedding, when all he got was a silly bachelor’s party – which he went to further down the line.   The decor was hand selected by him, as were the flowers and linen. He chose the bride’s dress, his suit, the bridesmaids dresses as well as the MOB’s and MOG’s outfits. The groom also chose the venue and all the suppliers and vendors. He organized the entertainment and music according to his own tastes. He even designed the cake.   And to our surprise, the bride seemed to be happy with all of it. She even kept her cool when the groom had a tantrum over the wrong color of table runners for the reception. We’ll leave it there.  

Mr. Perfecto!

Similar to the previous story, one of our photographer friends told us how he encountered a groom who was so extremely OCD that it hurt. He told us how this groom went into the reception hall (as the photographer was busy taking table shots), and rearranged all the place settings.   The groom moved the cutlery millimeters apart, moved the chairs out slightly so that all if them were aligned perfectly. He even grabbed a broom he got from the back and swiped the floor here and there. Maybe he just wanted everything to be super-perfect for his bride? (Here’s hoping.)  

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by Tanya Guilfoyle

Born in Johannesburg, South Africa, Tanya has been an active contributor and planner in the wedding industry since 2016. When not writing useful content for brides and wedding professionals, she can be found designing templates for her Etsy shop, TWCprintables