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All you need to know about the Harry Potter Wedding Theme

All you need to know about the Harry Potter Wedding Theme
All you need to know about having a Harry Potter wedding theme   This one is especially for all the Harry Potter fans out there. Movie themed weddings have taken the industry by storm a few years back already. There are plenty of ideas for each type of theme. The newest theme may be the Game of Thrones one…   Us mere muggles have always fantasized about having magic, since The Philosopher’s Stone was first published. Then the movies came… And how perfectly it has portrayed some of the most iconic scenes from the books.   You have probably already seen a Harry Potter themed wedding somewhere on Pinterest, which, by the way, is a very good place to start. There are so many Pins already and fresh ideas pop up almost every day. Secondly, watch the movies. Over and over again. You might spot different things in each movie every time you watch it.  

All you need to know about the Harry Potter Wedding Theme


The First Look: Stationery

Your wedding stationery is the first look guests get when they are wondering about your theme. Even if some of them never saw the movies or read the books, there’s a good chance that they heard about it or saw an ad somewhere. You don’t have to go for the usual Marauder’s Map as your wedding invitation with the quote “I solemnly swear that I am up to no good”. You can spice it up a little, with the quote “I solemnly swear that I will love you for eternity” or something similar.   Next, you want to choose a font to fit in with the theme. You can use the iconic Harry Potter font, similar fonts or ask a wedding stationery designer to create you wedding invitations for you. Choose coffee stained paper for your invitations if you can. Seal you invitations with a wax seal set that you can buy online or from the crafts store, to make it look authentic.   If you want to save time on you wedding stationery, rather have it designed and printed by professionals. It might cost more than DIYing it, but it’s worth it if you are pressed for time.  
Use old postcards, sepia-toned images or photos, or any other vintage or rustic type stationery for your invites, RSVP cards, Save-the-dates, etc.
Use old postcards, sepia-toned images or photos, or any other vintage or rustic type stationery for your invites, RSVP cards, Save-the-dates, etc.

The Venue

Go for an ancient looking venue, like an old church or castle. I bet there are many out there that you can easily decorate to give it a Hogwarts feel or look. Plan B will be to go for a Tuscan venue, because it has the right color scheme for your wedding. All the shades of brown, cream and white will work with your design. Remember to put up signs to direct lost guests, especially if it’s a large venue. See this post for more tips on keeping your guests happy at your wedding.  
Kudos if you can find a Hogwarts-looking castle like this!
Kudos if you can find a Hogwarts-looking castle like this!

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Flowers, if you must

Most movie-themed weddings don’t show off flowers, unless there are significant meanings to them (like the Pansies in Alice and Wonderland). In the case of Harry Potter, a few flowers can be used, especially wild flowers in an old fashioned jar or container. You can even use an old boot to resemble a port-key. Think of the question “what would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?” which Professor Snape asked Harry in the book and movie The Philosopher’s Stone. He also asked Harry what the difference between monkshood and wolfsbane is. All of these plants and flowers bear meanings to them. Read more about these flowers here.   The most significant of the flowers in Harry Potter will be a Lily. Lily Potter was fair and kind. The flower itself resembles elegance, beauty and sweetness. You can use different types and colors of lilies at your wedding and in you bouquet. This includes daffodils, which are also a type of lily.   Petunias (Petunia Dursley) will be difficult to use at your wedding, unless you keep it potted in containers (it is a type of weed, after all). They are short stemmed, which makes it difficult to put in an arrangement or bouquet. They also wilt easily after being picked. Just as well, the petunia resembles anger and resentment, which you don’t want to include at your wedding!  
Flowers to use at your Harry Potter wedding - Wolfsbane and Monkshood, if you can find them. All types of lilies, including daffodils.
Flowers to use at your Harry Potter wedding – Wolfsbane and Monkshood, if you can find them. All types of lilies, including daffodils.

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Tables should have centerpieces, otherwise they look empty and as if you didn’t make an effort for your guests. When using the Harry Potter theme, you can easily decide on what those centerpieces should be. You can use flowers, as mentioned above, but you can also use Harry Potter things or a combination of both. Some people stack suitcases, accompanied by weird-looking plants as if they landed straight out of one of Pomona Sprout’s greenhouses. You get quite funny-looking plants, and it will add a wonderful touch to the centerpieces.   You can also use science-type things like test tubes and medicine bottles, to resemble potions. Add colored water with glitter for an added effect. You can also add candles. Lots and lots of candles in different sizes and in different containers. Be sure to check with your venue if they will allow it.   Another commonly used idea for Harry Potter weddings is the stack of books – for your inner Hermoine Granger. Put a rustic ribbon around them or some twine. Lay a few roses or rose petals over them and you’re golden. You can also add some faux memorabilia to your centerpieces if you can afford them.  
Candles are symbolic to magic, and using lots of them at your wedding will set the right mood
Candles are symbolic to magic, and using lots of them at your wedding will set the right mood

Setting the Table – Molly Weasley’s way!

Sure, you can use the more authentic china with the Hogwarts crest embedded on it, but you want your wedding to be in your own style, and not a cookie cutter look alike from Pinterest. One way to do this, is by thinking how Molly Weasley would set a table. Her style is very rustic and cluttered, if you look at her home in The Burrows.    
Image from cineplex.com. Notice Molly Weasley's more rustic and cluttered style in her home. No tablecloth or place mats, on a natural wood table.
Image from cineplex.com. Notice Molly Weasley’s more rustic and cluttered style in her home. No tablecloth or place mats, on a natural wood table.
  You should watch a few scenes of her house or the scene of 12 Grimmauld Place (the Black Family’s house – Order of the Phoenix’s Headquarters), if you would like a darker look to your wedding. Anyway, back to Mrs. Weasley. If she was in charge of decorating your tables at the reception, how would she do it? Look at her kitchen: It has a very rustic feel to it, even a bit old-fashioned. But it is homey, a bit cluttered, and warm, with lots of natural wood elements. You can even use her kitchen as inspiration for your wedding food.    

Wedding Food

We are not going to go into too much detail here. There are millions of recipes and ideas for this on the internet. Truth be told, guests just want too be fed, so a standard buffet will do it. You can serve signature drinks like ‘butterbeer’ or ‘love potions’, but keep the normal stuff stocked as well, especially for your not-so-Potter guests.

Wedding Favors

To say thank you to your guests in some sort of way, why not treat them to some Harry Potter keepsakes. You can give them wands with little ‘thank you’ notes attached, Harry Potter themed jewelry, key chains, personalized mugs, etc. You can even give the actual books or journals and notebooks.   One the note of wands as favors, it will be way cheaper to DIY them. There are plenty of tutorials found on Pinterest.  
You can give wands as favors to your guests
You can give wands as favors to your guests

Also Read:


The Guest Book

An interesting thing that you might want to consider when putting out a guest book, is the old fashioned quill and ink method. It is definitely going to be the talk of the wedding, if you do it right. Like the guys in this video say, remember to put your guest book at a slanted angle, so that the ink won’t leak out of your quill.  
  Another awesome idea that you can use for your guest book, is the life-size Marauder’s Map which guests can sign with their names. You can download the image here and print it out and glue it together (its a massive map, thanks to Little Falling Star on DeviantArt for this!). Also, you can view the instructions here on how to make your own map by using the large map.
Marauder's Map - see the links I gave to make your own!
Marauder’s Map – see the links we gave to make your own!

Wedding Transport

If you’re going to arrive at and depart from the wedding venue, you will obviously need some form of transport. You can do your photo shoot at a train station, but arriving by train will obviously be a bit impractical. You will need a car. And what better way to arrive than in the Weasley’s Ford Anglia! Preferably blue and with a white roof..
Actual Ford Anglia from the Harry Potter movies.. It will also give your wedding a classic vintage feel.
Actual Ford Anglia from the Harry Potter movies.. If you can find a Ford Anglia to use as your wedding car, it will also give your wedding a classic vintage feel.

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by Tanya Guilfoyle

Born in Johannesburg, South Africa, Tanya has been an active contributor and planner in the wedding industry since 2016. When not writing useful content for brides and wedding professionals, she can be found designing templates for her Etsy shop, TWCprintables